BS, Physics, UCLA. US Navy Nuclear Power School. Naval Postgraduate School, MS Operations Research. University of Southern California, Doctorate, Public Administration with a concentration in Policy Analysis and Strategic Planning.
Naval Service
USS California (DLGN/CGN-36), M Division and Reactor Controls Division Officer. Qualified Surface Warfare Officer. USS Nimitz (CVN-68), M Division Officer. Qualified Nuclear Engineer. USS Pegasus (PHM-1), Executive Officer. USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), Main Propulsion Assistant. Operations Study Group, Center for Naval Analyses. USS Arkansas (CGN-41) Executive Officer. Qualified, Command at Sea. Naval Postgraduate School, Curricular Officer, Operations Research. Retired from active duty, Commander, USN.
Operations Research Analyst, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Appointed member of the Principle Professional Staff. Participated or led studies on J-UCAS in maritime defense, Offensive Anti-Surface Warfare Analysis of Alternatives, DD(X) design trade studies, Advanced Gun System trade studies and effectiveness analyses, trade studies employing Naval Surface Fire Support with guns, aircraft, field artillery and missiles in an expeditionary warfare context, studies to define and evaluate the characteristics of surface-launched anti-ship missiles and land attack missiles, Guided Forward-Fired Miniature Missile Study, Advanced Land Attack Missile trade study, Affordable Weapon System design analysis, Laser-Guided Rockets, studies on Maneuver Warfare doctrine, and mathematical modeling of economic social systems.
Taught classes in naval history at The Johns Hopkins University.
Pursuing a third career as a full-time author and naval historian.
US Navy
Meritorious Service Medal with 2 gold stars, Navy Commendation Medal, Navy Achievement medal, Joint Meritorious Unit commendation, Meritorious Unit Commendation, Navy Unit Commendation, Navy E Ribbon, National Defense Medal with gold star, Pistol Sharpshooter, Saudi Arabian Unit Commendation Medal, and Navy Sea Service Deployment Ribbon with three gold stars.
Civilian Service
Arleigh Burke Award for superior writing from the U. S. Naval Institute. Naval Institute’s Naval History Author of the Year for 2016. Awarded a Hafstad fellowship and a Janney fellowship from The Johns Hopkins University, and a Reining Award Distinguished Citation from the University of Southern California. Twice nominated for the Military Operations Research Barchi Prize.
Dr. Zimm is an honorary life member of the United States Naval Institute. He has lectured at the Naval Postgraduate School, Kings College London, The Johns Hopkins University, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, the US Naval Academy, the Defense Intelligence Agency, US Naval Headquarters London, and made numerous presentations for the Military Operations Research Society and the Society for Military History.