Alan Zimm

Alan Zimm

Misplaced Threat

Misplaced Threats

-Alien Invasion!
-Government Tyranny!
-Organic Computer, with a catapult! (Catapult?)

That last aside, concentrate on the issues. What has first call on your catalogue of heroic talents: opposing wicked tyrants, or fighting off evil aliens?

What if the human régime doesn’t believe aliens exist? What if all those unelected bureaucrats on all those planets are concentrating on making people obey?

What’s preeminent, the alien menace, or the threat to freedom and human rights? Support or overthrow the government? If you overthrow the government, is humanity vulnerable to annihilation by the aliens? If you convince the government and join them to fight the aliens, are you capitulating to an oligarchy and sacrificing your chances for freedom? When is authoritarianism acceptable in a crisis? When must freedom be sacrificed for safety?

Collision Course is the first book of a series exploring how the end of the human race depends on the moods of a dysfunctional Organic Computer with identity issues.

The dinosaurs had it easier – just before they went extinct.

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Misplaced Threats: Book 1 of the Misplaced Humanity Chronicles

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